venerdì 1 febbraio 2019


Boguchar - Task is quite easy, the enemy has no chances to take the town, let's hit and weaken its power. A German infantry unit is destroyed while other units are damaged.

Rostov - Here's the real danger, the enemy has thrown all his resources to take the town, there are about twenty land units (with four newly purchased Panzers IVF2) and all the remaining air forces. So let's hit hard and do the maximum damage. Four units are destroyed: two planes, an artillery and a recon unit. But the risk is still very high.

Batumi - This is a good chance to win the scenario. Four enemy units could easily be destroyed (two capital ships, an infantry and a tank unit) but to win, all efforts must concentrate on the Marder IIIH defending the town with a 5 entrenchment level. After seven attacks, the enemy unit is destroyed, the town falls and the game is over.

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