martedì 12 febbraio 2019


June 15, 1943: Germany attempts to finish off England
Turns: 15
Axis: Player - Allies: Advanced A.I.

This time the scenario is tougher than in 1940 . Allies air force is much stronger, Spitfires are at par with Focke Wulfs, then there are the american units, enemy has enormous prestige, and Churchill, Grant and Stuart tanks are much better than Matildas and Mk IIIs. More than ever it's utterly importanto to concentrate only on objectives, letting other towns be, as time is of essence. The plan is to tale London landing in the east, passing through Dover and Canterbury. To take Bristol, German units will land at Portsmouth, then on to Winchester, letting Newhaven and Horsham be. To take Birmingham two paratroop units will be launched to northwest of the objective, they will take Shrewsbury where a little army will be purchased. To take Norwich, two other paratroop units will take Great Vermouth where another army will be assembled. Easier said than done.

West Fleet: as always, first goal is to get rid of enemy destroyers, then to attack with subs. Advance the two subs, spot the enemy destroyer in (16,38), attack with 60° Battleship Bk and then with the strongest Stuka, the ship is sunk. Protect the Stuka. Move the Ju88 to Cherbourg airfield to attack the remaining enemy destroyer next turn. Move two para air transports to the west to bypass enemies to reach Shrewsbury.
East Fleet: let's try to weaken the enemy destroyers to open the way for the U-boot. Three and four points damage on the two destroyers. The 40° JU88A gets in position to attack next turn.
Canterbury: infantry and artillery units in Canterbury and Dover are hit to reduce entrenchment level and soften them. German units land adjacent to cities to prevent enemy from purchasing reiforcements.
Bristol: it will be a long run. Ten German units move in front of Portsmouth to land nearby, out of spotting range of the infantry defending the town.

The three air defense units in France take the sea to land on British soil. An air defense is purchased in Calais.

West fleet: The trap in (16,38) has worked fine, the 2° Spit IX has attacked the 27° JU87D ignoring there was the 25° BF109g behind defending it, so it has been reduced to 4 points strength. Canterbury: The 33°PzIVH has been attacked and reduced to 7 points.

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