lunedì 16 luglio 2018

09 - El Alamein - Axis - Turn 26 of 26

May 26, 1942: Axis attempts to crush the Allied forces in North Africa.

Axis: player
Allies: a.i. advanced

Same map as North Africa, but much harder: this time you have to conquer seven cities including Cairo which is composed by three city hexes behind Nile river and well guarded already on turn one. Moreover, enemy is much stronger than the other scenario, let's compare ODB's:

infantry: axis 10 - allies 21
tank: axis 10 - allies 11
anti-tank: axis 7 - allies 2
artillery: axis 7 - allies 4
fighters: axis 6 - allies 5
tactical bombers: axis 5 - allies 6
level bombers: axis 2 - allies 1
submarines: axis 2 - allies 2
destroyers: axis 2 - allies 1
s/t boats: axis 4 - allies 1
capital ships: axis 3 - allies 3

Initial prestige is Axis , Allies 1176
Available units are Axis 4, Allies 2.

Please consider Axis figures include italian units, which are usually weaker that German and English ones. Main problem is Mosquitoes, which are hard to face even for Focke Wulfs, and Spitfires, which are stronger and more experienced than before. So: to take Tobruk you must get rid of enemy navy. To get rid of enemy navy you must get rid of enemy air force. You can't get rid of enemy air force with two Focke Wulfs and two BF 109's let alone the two italian fighters, which are useful only to finish worn-out enemy planes. It's just ridiculous. To get rid of enemy air force you must invest in air defense. And when you invest, always choose the best: 8.8 FlaK 18 with three hexes range and SdKfz 7/1 anti-aircraft. As it will take time to eliminate enemy air force and navy, it's useful to move forward and choose an objective on the road to Cairo. Sidi Barrani is perfect for this purpose: with its airfield and guarded by only an infantry unit, it will be a base from where to attack the last objectives. The airfield between El Alamein and Alexandria will be also vital for the last effort.

AXIS - Fleet retreats to avoid engagement. A small detachment crosses the desert on their way to Sidi Barrani. Units in front of Mechili retreat to avoid fight. An 8.8 FlaK air defense and a SdKfz 7/1 are purchased in Mechili where probably enemy planes will attack. The two Focke Wulfs protect land units. The anti-tank in Benghazi is upgraded to StuGIIIF.
ALLIES - Nothing happens.

AXIS - The small detachment continues on its way. I forgot to move the Pioneer unit, so I move it now to join with the othe runits. I place a tank in the spotting range of the Matilda to entice the enemy to attack.
 ALLIES - The trick has worked....too much. The tank has been destroyed, and the Pioneer unit has been spotted and destroyed too. First big mistake, the Pioneer unit is perfect for attacking cities without risking a rugged defense. Now we have a Mosquito, a Spitfire and a Blenheim at hand, let not waste this chance.

AXIS - This is the situation at the beginning of turn three:

The Mosquito is shot down by combined fire by air defense, anti-aircraft and fighters, the Blenheim is also shot down and a Spitfire too. The Crusader which destroyed the Pioneer unit is eliminated together with a MkIII tank.

ALLIES - Another Spitfire tries to attack but gets an "out of the sun" and loses 4 points. Nothing else.

AXIS - The damaged Spitfire is easy prey to air defense, so now three Spitfires and three Mosquitos are left. Two more english tanks are destroyed by combined fire by Ju87 and german armor, so now casualties count is Axis 2, Allies 8.
ALLIES - Two Mosquitos have attacked to shoot down a BF109, and they succeded, but are now in a dangerous situation, under german air defense fire. The detachment bound for Sidi Barrani has been spotted and attacked by two Spitfires, a Mosquito and a Blenheim, causing 4 points damage to the mounted infantry unit.

AXIS - Situation at the beginning of turn 05:

The two Mosquitos are finally shot down, so now just one Mosquito and three Spitfires are left. A new "trap" is set with a PzIIIJ in sight of an english infantry unit.

The "trap" works once again, a SdKfz 7/1 is attacked by a Grant tank and loses 7 points, now there are two Spitfires, one Mosquito and a Lancaster in german air defenses range.

Situation at the beginning of turn 06:

The two Spitfires are attacked and shot down, together with the Lancaster. Now only a Spitfire and a Mosquito remain. The Grant is attacked and destroyed.

ALLIES - Enemy frenzy goes on. Mosquito attacks italian fighter Re2000/F1 and a Blenheim attacks a Marder.

AXIS -  Situation at the beginning of turn 07:
  Obviously, the Mosquito and the Blenheim are wiped out. Now enemy air force is virtually gone, only a Spitfire is left, so next step is english navy, which unfortunately is protected by air defense units. First sink destroyer/boat units, then attack with subs, then attack with capital ships, then sink enemy subs with destroyer/boat units.
ALLIES - No action

AXIS - Enemy moves no unit, so it's up to german player. In Bir Hacheim only three units are left, so it's now ready for the taking. Two enemy infantry units are destroyed. The detachment approaches Sidi Barrani without getting in the spotting range of enemy units in Mersa Matruh. The fleet moves toward enemy ships in Tobruk bay.
 ALLIES - In enemy's turn, the last Spitfire goes adjacent to the Focke Wulf.

AXIS - At Bir Hacheim, the last Spitfire is shot down, now english air force is no more, and a Grant tank unit and an infantry one are terminated. Next turn the objective will be attacked. At Sidi Barrani the airport is occupied, let's see next turn if the city can be taken. The capital ships are going to attack the germen destroyer and te T-boat trying to stay away from the english subs spotting range.
ALLIES - The destroyer and the T-boat attack a german sub which loses 2 points. A PzIIIJ is attacked first by an artilery unit, then by a Matilda and loses 5 points.

AXIS - Bir Hacheim is attacked, the defending infantry unit is destroyed and the objective is taken. The Matilda unit is also destroyed. The english destroyer and T-boat are sunk by combined air and naval fire. Subs attack english capital ships and damage them. Sidi Barrani is attacked by air.
ALLIES - No reaction from a.i. player.

AXIS -The english battlecruiser and the heavy cruiser are sunk by subs and naval fire. An english infantry unit in Gazala airfield is destroyed by artillery fire. The infantry unit in Sidi Barrani is attacked and reduced to 6 points.
ALLIES -Enemy attacks and destroys an italian infantry unit.

AXIS - In Tobruk, the english battleship is sunk and the Matilda which attacked the italian infantry is destroyed. At Bardia, an enemy tank, an artillery and two infantry units are destroyed, the city is free, next turn an italian tank will occupy it to be able to purchase italian units. The english infantry unit in Sidi Barrani is destroyed and the town is occupied.
ALLIES - Some minor counterattack.

AXIS - In Tobruk, first thing an english sub is sunk and the other one is reduced to one point. Then the two air defenses near Gazala are destroyed by naval and land guns. A Matilda is destroyed too and the other ones are badly damaged. An artillery unit behind Gazala is destroyed. Bardia and Sollum are taken, the defending anti-tank is destroyed.
ALLIES - Minor counterattacks.

AXIS -  In Tobruk the last english sub is sunk. A newly-purchased english air defense unit is destroyed by naval fire. An artillery unit is destroyed. In Gazala three Matildas are eliminated, together with an infantry unit. The attack on Mersa Matruh begins. An air defense and an anti-tank units are destroyed. A Nebelwerfer is purchased.
 ALLIES - Some minor counterattack.

AXIS - Tobruk: two air defense units are eliminated, together with a 6" gun. AT Mersa Matruh another anti-tank and air defense units are destroyed. Here comes the Nebelwerfer.
 ALLIES - No reaction, an air defense unit is purchased in Tobruk.

AXIS - Tobruk: the newly purchased air defense is destroyed, as long as two infantry units. The 13 points heavy weapon unit is very tough and with entrenchment 8 so it's hard to destroy. At Marsa Matruh the Nebelwerfer works wonders, 6 points damage on the defending infantry unit which is then destroyed along with an air defense. The town is taken. Now on to El Alamein.
ALLIES - No action.

AXIS - Tobruk is taken, the two remaining infantry units are destroyed. To attack El Alamein, the tanks surround the city to begin with the artillery unit.
ALLIES - No action.

AXIS - El Alamein is attacked, an air defense and an anti-tank are destroyed. Cairo will be hard to take.
ALLIES - Some reaction in El Alamein.

AXIS - El Alamein: the english artillery unit is destroyed by a PzIIIJ. Then it's air defense turn. then the anti-tank. Now only the infantry unit remains.
ALLIES - No action.

AXIS - El Alamein is taken, the english infantry unit destroyed. Army splits in two for the last objectives, Alexandria and Cairo.
ALLIES - No reaction.

Alexandria: the two anti-tanks on the river are destroyed, the air defense is reduced to 1 point and the artillery to 4 points. At Cairo, an english artillery unit is reduced to 4 points.

Alexandria: Two artillery and two anti-tank units are destroyed, now only an infantry unit remains in town. The attack on Cairo begins.

Alexandria: the defending infantry unit is destroyed and the objective is conquered.
Cairo: the bold Grant tank is eliminated along with two artillery units.

Cairo: attack now is at full throttle. Two artillery units and two air defenses are eliminated.

Battle rages. Two infantry, two artillery and two air defense units are destroyed. Now only four infantry units remain.

To the last breath. There was little hope but german forces manage to destroy two other english infantry units and take the three Cairo hexes. Victory could have come earlier if the east army wing had attacked Marsa Matruh-El Alamein-Alexandria-Cairo, while the west wing conquered Tobruk-Bardia-Sidi Barrani.


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