giovedì 5 luglio 2018

08 - Middle East - Allies - Turn 12 of 26

September 1, 1941: Axis attempts to seize the oil fields of Persia.

Axis: a.i. advanced
Allies: player

 Same old story. Axis forces attack at full throttle while Allies units are scarce and scattered. It's no use to try and hold Jerusalem and Haifa, leave the cities to the enemy and try to save Allies units retreating them to safer zones. Make a stand in Beirut and from there start counterattack. Enemy must not cross Jordan river, patrol it and hit hard any German unit trying to get through. Retreat fleet as well to Beirut, and summon every unit in the rear to the frontline. Use special care in destroying enemy air forces, as it will be the turn of the tide.

AXIS - Enemy attacks. A capital ship is sunk and other vessels are damaged. German airplanes attack cities.

ALLIES - Fleet retreats firing in the process, hitting a german heavy cruiser, a light cruiser and the U-boat. At Jerusalem, units retreat towards Jordan river, destroying a german PSW 222. Over Amman, a BF110c is eliminated by air defense. All units in the rear move to reach the front. Situation is hasty. Nine air defenses are purchased.

AXIS - Enemy forces attack. Allies lose an infantry unit, an artillery unit and an anti-tank unit.
ALLIES - Fleet retreats again, hitting the german battleship, reducing it from 10 to 4 points. Air defense takes down an italian Re2000 over Beirut. A BF109 is shot down over Damascus. An italian tactical bomber is shot down over Jerusalem. English units try to cross Jordan river.

AXIS - The battle rages. At Jerusalem, two air defenses and an artillery unit are destroyed. An english infantry unit is destroyed crossing Jordan river on its way to Damascus, where an english Spitfire is shot down by the german Focke Wulf, which remains the main threat. But enemy airplanes are now exposed, as next turn eight english air defenses will have their targets.
ALLIES - At Beirut, a JU87 is shot down by air defenses, a mounted infantry unit is taken down from 10 to 2 points and a light cruiser is reduced to 1 point by naval fire. At Damascus, the Focke Wulf is finally shot down by two air defenses, and a BF109 is reduced to 5 points. At al Maffraq, another BF109 is reduced to 6 points and a mounted german infantry is destroyed by english tanks, then another JU87 is taken down together with an italian level bomber. At Amman, another BF110c is shot down by air defenses, along with another JU87. A Matilda is purchased in Beirut and another one in Amman.

AXIS - Enemy attacks but there are no casualties.
ALLIES - At Beirut, the german battleship is sunk, a BF109 is shot down by air defenses and an italian infantry is destroyed. At Al Maffraq the last BF109 is taken down. At Amman a JU88 is shot down, together with an italian RE2000. Tide is already turning, the enemy cannot go further and air force is almost gone.

AXIS - Enemy attacks again. An english air defense is destroyed in Beirut and an artillery is eliminated in Amman. My fault, I should retreat it from the front.
ALLIES - In Beirut a heavy cruiser is taken down from 8 points to 3 and another one is sunk. A 10.5 artillery unit is destroyed together with a PSW recon unit. The last air unit, italian level bomber CA309, is destroyed. At Jerusalem, a PSW recon unit is destroyed and another one is badly damaged. Now let's wait for new attacks on Beirut, Al Maffraq and Amman.

AXIS - Enemy attacks Beirut, while Jerusalem is left unguarded. Some english units are damaged but no one is destroyed.
ALLIES - In Beirut the last heavy cruiser is sunk and the german destroyer is reduced to 3 points. A PzIII and a Pz35 are destroyed. Tactical bomber attack and damage enemy artillery units. A recon and a mounted infantry units head towards german camp to check if enemy left it unguarded.

AXIS - Enemy has left all other objectives and points to Beirut, a Mk III A 13 tank has been destroyed.
ALLIES - At Beirut, an italian recon is destroyed. A mounted infantry unit is also destroyed near Damascus. At Jerusalem a german PSW is eliminated while trying to cross Jordan river, now the city is open. The German camp is guarded by a Bersaglieri unit. Now it's only just a matter of time.

AXIS - PzIII are tough units. They attack and destroy an infantry and a Crusader tank.
ALLIES - Jerusalem is re-taken. Italian camp is occupied as is adjacent airfield. A PzIII is destroyed near Damascus. In this turn, with very favorable odds, combat results have been incredibly bad. I hope artificial intelligence is not cheating.

AXIS - Drive on Beirut goes on, but as long as every turn a Matilda II is purchased, the enemy can not succeed.
ALLIES - A PzIIIH is destroyed trying to cross Jordan river. At Beirut a PzIII, a PzIV and a StuG are destroyed, and a S IG IB is eliminated near Haifa. In the south the Daimler recon unit occupies the airfield near german camp.

AXIS - The recon at Haifa is destroyed by german infantry. This is really odd. Too odd to be true. The Bersaglieri reduce the english infantry from 10 to 5 points. And this is really funny.
ALLIES - Beirut: a S IG IB is destroyed by a Matilda. A PzIIIJ is destroyed by anti-tank unit. A mounted italian infantry unit is destroyed by a Spitfire. a StuGIIIb is destroyed by a Matilda. Near Jerusalem a S IG IB is destroyed by combined attack.

AXIS - Just some minor fight.
ALLIES - The german infantry in Haifa is hit by the two english capital ships, entrenchment level goes from 6 to 4. Then is attacked by a Blenheim and reduced to 11.
11th Wehr infantry near Haifa is attacked by a 6" Gun and by three Matildas and destroyed.
Another infantry unit near Haifa is attacked by Mk IIIA13 and destroyed.
2nd Pz IIIJ is attacked by the Mosquito, then by three Matildas and destroyed.
35th italian infantry is attacked by three Matildas, an infantry unit and a Mk I A9 and destroyed.
German camp is occupied by Daimler unit.
Now only four enemy land units remain plus two vessels.

AXIS - Bersaglieri attack Daimler and cause 2 points loss.
ALLIES - All german units in Haifa are destroyed and the objective is conquered. The Bersaglieri are hit by air and attacked by Daimler recon unit and the Italian camp is occupied.


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