domenica 29 luglio 2018

09 - El Alamein - Allies - Turn 12 out of 26

May 26, 1942: Axis attempts to crush the Allied forces in North Africa.

Axis: a.i. advanced
Allies: player

The task for the Allies here is really easy. In the previous scenarios it was advisable for the defender to retreat, leave some objectives to the enemy, then gather the troops and counterattack. Here, the main thing is to shoot down the german fighters, then everything will be smooth, except maybe for the enemy tanks, which will put some pressure on english defenses. To take down these fighters, purchase air defenses, they will be useless once the tide will turn, but they will do their job and cost much less if compared to english fighters which would be the target of  Focke Wulf and BF109. Retreat artillery units instead, which are of little help and would be the target of every enemy unit, while they will be vital in conquering the last objectives to close the game. Most important units are air defenses, Matilda II and Mosquitoes.

TURN 01 - AXIS - Enemy attacks at full force. An english infantry unit is lost, one is reduced to three points and another one to one point, while a destroyer is sunk. Could have been better. Situation at the end of Axis turn:
Situation at the end of Axis turn one

TURN 01 - ALLIES - Navy: plan is to hit hard then get out of enemy planes spotting range, wait for german air force to be shot down then come back to finish Axis navy and support english land units.
52nd Light Cruiser > 40th Destroyer (exp. 0-3) = 0-3
47th T-boat > 36th S-boat (exp. 0-5) = 0-10 unit destroyed
51th Battle Cruiser > 41th Destroyer (exp. 0-5) = 0-7
49th Battleship > 37th S-boat (exp. 0-5) = 0-7
50th U-boat > 37th S-boat (exp. 0-3) = 0-3 unit destroyed
Land units: plan is to retreat artillery units out of the battle to use them later when enemy navy and air force will be eliminated, weaken german fighters with air defenses and then shot them down, hold the towns with infantry and tanks.
18th 6" Gun > 29th FK18 (exp. 0-5) = 0-4
27th 3" AD > 11th JU87D (exp. 0-4) = 0-3
13th Infantry > 29th FK18 (exp. 1-1) = 0-2
14th Infantry 39 > 29th FK18 (exp. 0-4) = 0-4 unit destroyed
19th 6" Gun > 28th sIG II (exp. 0-3) = 0-5
21st 40mm > 26th BF109e (exp. 0-4) = 0-4
22nd 40mm > 26th BF109e (exp. 0-4) = 0-4
33rd 40mm > 18th FW190a (exp. 0-3) = 0-4
61th Matilda II > 5th PzIVD (exp. 0-3) = 0-3
57th Grant > 23rd Pioniere (exp. 0-5) = 0-4
24th M3 Stuart > 23rd Pioniere (exp. 0-4) = 0-3
58th Mk III A13 > 23rd Pioniere (exp. 0-3) = 0-2
Air Force: plan is to shoot down as many enemy planes as possible so to relieve pressure on land units.
55th Mosquito VI > 26th BF109e (exp. 0-2) = 0-2 unit destroyed
54th Spitfire VB > 10th JU87D (exp. 0-5) = 0-7
Two air defense units and a Matilda II are purchased in Tobruk while a Mosquito is purchased in Bardia airfield.
Situation at the end of Allies' turn one.

TURN 02 - AXIS - Battle rages. Allies suffer heavy casualties: 2 infantry, 2 tank, 1 artillery, 3 air defense and 1 fighter units. Hard times.
Situation at the end of Axis turn two.

TURN 02 - ALLIES - Navy: the sub has evaded attack by two enemy S-boats, now it's time for the heavy guns to wipe them out to let the submarines hit the axis fleet.
49th Battleship > 35th S-boat (exp. 0-5) = 0-6
51th Battle Cruiser > 34th S-boat (exp. 0-5) = 0-4
52nd Light Cruiser > 35th S-boat (exp. 0-3) = 0-2
50th Submarine > 34th S-boat (exp. 0-5) = 0-6 unit destroyed
Land Units & Air Force: purchasing all those air defenses could have been a mistake, they are easy prey to enemy naval fire, now we must hold Tobruk, let's switch to Matildas.
21st 40mm > 16th FW 190a (exp. 0-2) = 0-1
22nd 40mm > 16th FW 190a (exp. 0-3) = 0-5
33rd 40mm > 18th FW 190a (exp. 0-3) = 0-3
62nd Matilda II > 7th Pz IIIE (exp. 0-3) = 1-4
45th Mosquito VI > 51th BA65 (exp. 0-7) = 0-6
41st Spitfire II > 18th FW 190a (exp. 0-1) = 0-1 unit destroyed
43rd Spitfire II > 54th P108 Bi (exp. 0-4) = 1-4
44th Mosquito VI > 51st BA65 (exp. 0-4) = 0-4 unit destroyed
38th Mosquito VI > 19th Ju 88A (exp. 0-6) = 0-4
63rd Mosquito VI > 8th PzIIIH (exp. 0-2) = 0-1
60th Matilda II > 8th PzIIIH (exp. 1-2) = 2-1
61th Matilda II > 8th PzIIIH (exp. 1-2) =0-4
57th Grant > 8th PzIIIH (exp. 0-2) = 1-2 unit destroyed
59th Crdr II > 23rd Pioniere (exp. 0-1) = 1-1
24th M3 Stuart > 23rd Pioniere (exp. 0-2) = 0-1
23rd MK III A 13 > 23rd Pioniere (exp. 0-1) = 0-1 unit destroyed.
Two Matildas are purchased in Tobruk.
Situation at the end of Allies turn 02

AXIS - Axis army still has the upper hand. One infantry,two tanks, one air defense and a T-boat units are destroyed, while a FW 190a has been shot down attacking a Mosquito. Casualties now are Axis 10, Allies 16.

Situation at the end of Axis turn 03
ALLIES - We are at a turning point. Attacks are combined.
37th Spitfire IX [10] > 20th ME210c[10] (exp. 0-6) = 0-6
42nd Spitfire II[10] > 20th ME210c [4] (exp. 1-4) = 1-4 unit destroyed
41st Spitfire II [10] > 54th P108 Bi [6] (exp. 0-4) = 0-4
43rd Spitfire II [9] > 54th P108 Bi [2] (exp. 0-2) = 0-2 unit destroyed
50th Submarine [10] > 50th Light Cruiser [10] (exp. 0-6) = 0-7
46th Blenheim [10] > 35th S-boat [2] (exp. 0-2) = 0-2 unit destroyed
40th Blenheim [10] > 40th Destroyer [7] (exp. 0-3) = 0-3
49th Battleship [10] > 38th Battleship [10] (exp. 0-4) = 0-5
51st Battlecruiser [10] > 39th Heavy Cruiser [10] (exp. 0-4) = 0-4
52nd Light Cruiser [8] > 38th Battleship [5] (exp. 0-2) = 0-3
63th Mosquito VI [10] > 3rd JU87D [5] (exp. 0-5) = 0-5 unit destroyed
38th Mosquito VI [6] > 19th JU88A [2] (exp. 0-2) = 0-2 unit destroyed
13th Matilda II [10] > 7th Pz IIIE [6] (exp. 0-2) = 1-6 unit destroyed
16th Matilda II [10] > 28th sIG II [5] (exp. 0-4) = 0-5 unit destroyed
55th Mosquito VI [10] > 13th Marder II [7] (exp. 0-3) = 0-4
45th Mosquito VI [10] > 12th sIG II [10] (exp. 0-4) = 0-8
44th Mosquito VI [10] > 2nd Pz IIIJ [12] (exp. 0-2) = 0-3
23rd Mk III A13 [10] > 15th PaK40 [10] (exp. 0-3) = 0-4
A Mosquito and a Spitfire have surrounded a JU 109e which is low on fuel (13) so it won't be able to reach an airfield. Two Matildas are purchased in Tobruk and a Mosquito is purchased in Bardia airfield.
Situation at the end of Allies turn 3

AXIS - Lucky turn. German forces attack, cause some damage but no new casualty. At Tobruk there's no danger, Matildas hold ground, now next goal is to retake lost arfield. Bir Hacheim is in danger, completely surrounded by tanks, the defending unit has been weakened and cannot get replacements, this is where Mosquitoes must concentrate to relieve the pressure. German navy is on the verge of collapse, only U-boats will remain and they will be hard to sink.
Situation at the end of Axis turn 4
 ALLIES - At Tobruk allies are already on the offensive:
16 Matilda II [9] > 43 105mm [10] (exp. 0-4) = 0-2
14 Matilda II [10] > 43 105mm [8] (exp. 0-4) = 0-8 unit destroyed
50 Sub[10] > 50 Light Cruiser [3] (exp. 0-3) = 0-3 unit destroyed
40 Blenheim [10] > 40 T-Destroyer [4] (exp. 0-4) = 0-3
46 Blenheim [10] > 41 T-Destroyer [3] (exp. 0-3) = 0-3 unit destroyed
41 Spitfire II [10] > 40 T-Destroyer [1] (exp. 0-1) = 0-1 unit destroyed.
At Bir Hacheim situation is really hard, the defending infantry unit could be wiped out next turn, so let's try to weaken enemy forces to prevent them from taking the objective:
44 Mosquito [10] > 2 PzIIIJ [9] (exp. 0-2) = 0-1
45 Mosquito [10] > 12 sIG II [2] (exp. 0-2) = 0-2 unit destroyed
42 Spit II [9] > 11 JU87D [7] (exp. 0-5) = 0-5
38 Mosquito [6] > 11 JU87D [2] (exp. 0-2) = 0-2 unit destroyed
21 Mosquito [6] > 58 PzIIIJ [8] (exp. 0-2) = 0-2
63 Mosquito [10] > 9 PzIIIJ [9] (exp. 0-1) = 0-2
55 Mosquito [9] > 59 PzIIIJ [10] (exp. 0-2) = 0-1
13 Matilda II [9] > 61 PSW 321/6r [10] (exp. 0-4) = 1-2
61 Matilda II [4] > 13 Marder II [3] (exp. 0-1) = 0-1
23 MK IIIA13 [8] > 24 Wehr [12] (exp. 1-3) = 1-2
At Bardia situation is good, just get rid of enemy units as soon as possible:
33 40mm [9] > 27° BF 109e[10] (exp. 0-3) = 0-2
21° Spit IX [10] >  53° RE2000[7] (exp. 0-6) = 0-5
43° Spit II [6] >  53° RE2000[2] (exp. 0-2) = 0-2 unit destroyed
52° Light Cruiser [8] > 39 Heavy Cruiser [6] (exp. 0-2) = 0-4
48° Battleship [10] > 38° Battleship [2] (exp. 0-2) = 0-2 unit destroyed.

Situation at the end of Allies turn 4

AXIS - German forces attack again. At Bir Hacheim, the 23 MK IIIA13 is destroyed, along with an infantry unit. Only hope lies in Mosquitoes to break the siege to the town.

 ALLIES - Tobruk: the italian infantry in (25.19) preventing movement and purchase of new units must be destroyed:
51° Battlecruiser [10] > 45° IT Inf [10](0-3) = 0-4
49° Battleship [10] > 45° IT Inf [6] (0-3) = 0-5
1° HW 39 [11] > 45° IT Inf [1] (0-1) = 0-1 unit destroyed
14° Matilda II [6] > 8° PSW 231/6r [10] (0-3) = 2-3
62° Matilda II [9] > 8° PSW 231/6r [7] (0-4) = 0-4
Bir Hacheim - Eliminate units adjacent to the town preventing the defending infantry from getting replacements:
21° Mosquito [10] > 58° PzIIIJ [6] (0-2) = 0-2
63° Mosquito [10] > 9° PzIIIJ [7] (0-1) = 0-2
55° Mosquito [9] > 1° PzIIIJ [8] (0-1) = 0-1
45° Mosquito [10] > 1° PzIIIJ [7] (0-2) = 0-2
40° Blenheim [10] > 59° PzIIIJ [9] (0-2) = 0-2
44° Mosquito [10] > 9° PzIIIJ [5] (0-2) = 0-2
46° Blenheim [10] > 58° PzIIIJ [4] (0-3) = 0-3
42° Spit II [9] > 13° Marder [2] (0-1) = 0-0
61° Matilda II [4] > 13° Marder [2] (0-1) = 0-2 unit destroyed
20° Matilda II [10] > 61° PSW [6] (0-4) = 0-0
31° 6 Pdr ATG [7] > 61° PSW [6] (0-4) = 0-6 unit destroyed
13° Matilda II [8] > 58° PzIIIJ [1] (0-1) = 0-1 unit destroyed
41° Spit II [10] > 14° Marder IIIH [12] (0-1) = 0-0
Bardia - Wipe out all enemy units:
52° Lightcruiser [10] > 39° Heavycruiser [2] (0-2) = 0-1
33° 40mm [9] > 52° MA C202 [9] (0-3) = 0-5
37° Spit IX [10] > 52° MA C202 [4] (0-4) = 0-4 unit destroyed
43° Spit II [6] > 27° BF109e [1] (0-1) = 1-1 unit destroyed
18° 6" Gun [10] > 39° Heavycruiser [1] (0-0) = 0-1 unit destroyed.

59° Crusader II takes airfield in 10.25. A Matilda II is purchased in Tobruk. Casualties now are Axis 32, Allies 18.

AXIS - The drive is dwindling, attack continues but as time passes Bir Hacheim seems harder to take for the enemy. No casualties this turn for Allies.
ALLIES - Tobruk: Now english capital ships have won their battle with the counterpart and are free to pound land units.
52° Lightcruiser [8] > 21° Wehr [12](0-2) = 0-4
51° Battlecruiser [10] > 30° 15 sFH 18 [10](0-4) = 0-3
49° Battleship [10] > 30° 15 sFH 18 [7](0-4) = 0-2
62° Matilda [7] > 26° PSW [10](0-3) = 0-4
23° Matilda [10] > 26° PSW [6](0-5) = 0-6 unit destroyed

Bir Hacheim - Pressure is getting weaker, holding the town seems no longer an issue. Now it's time to revert the tide and finally push back the enemy.
46° Blenheim [10] > 4° PzIIIJ [12] (0-2) = 0-2
42° Spit II [9] > 47° M 13/40 [10] (0-0) = 2-1
63° Mosquito [10] > 1° PzIIIJ [5] (0-2) = 0-2
55° Mosquito [9] > 59° PzIIIJ [7] (0-2) = 0-1
44° Mosquito [10] > 9° PzIIIJ [3] (0-2) = 0-3 unit destroyed
45° Mosquito [10] > 4° PzIIIJ [10] (0-2) = 0-2
38° Mosquito [10] > 2° PzIIIJ [4] (0-1) = 0-0
21° Mosquito [10] > 8° PzIIIJ [8] (0-2) = 0-4
40° Blenheim [10] > 14° Marder IIIH [12] (0-3) = 0-3
39° Stir Mk1 [10] > 47° M 13/40 [9] (0-0) = 0-1
20° Matilda [10] > 47° M 13/40 [8] (0-4) = 0-2
13° Matilda [10] > 47° M 13/40 [6] (0-3) = 0-6 unit destroyed
19° 6" Gun [10] > 59° PzIIIJ [6] (0-2) = 0-3
32° 6" Gun [10] > 1° PzIIIJ [3] (0-1) = 0-3 unit destroyed
24° Grant [9] > 59° PzIIIJ [3] (1-3) = 2-3 unit destroyed

Last turn a JU87 [1] was spotted and since now it has disappeared it's obvious to think it has retired to Berta airfield. A Spit is sent to investigate and finds it just there:
41° Spit II [10] > 10° JU87D [1] (0-1) = 0-1 unit destroyed

There is a HW infanty unit over Berta airfield, another one over airfield in 10.25, Mersa Brega is clear and a Grant unit has been purchased in Tobruk. At the end of turn 06 casualties are Axis 38, Allies 18.

AXIS - German units attack and take Bir Hacheim, destroying the defending unit and causing a certain damage to all british units around the town. It's really a mystery how a 10 points german infantry with 100 experience can eliminate a 9 points 100 experience Heavy Weapons english unit at entrenchment level 3 in a town. Sometimes it really seems A.I. intelligence is cheating on you. Anyway let's move on.

ALLIES - First thing is to weaken enemy's strongest units to slow him down.
Bir Hacheim:
38° Mosquito [10]> 49° Sem M-42 [9] (0-1)= 1-1
21° Mosquito [10]> 4° PzIIIJ [8] (0-2)= 0-2
40° Blenheim [10]> 2° Pz IIIJ [1] (0-1)= 0-1 Unit Destroyed
39° Stir MkI [10]> 56° Wehr [10] (0-0)= 0-2
24° Grant [7]> 24° Wehr [3] (0-3)= 0-2
30° Infantry [5]> 24° Wehr [1] (0-1)= 0-1 Unit Destroyed
13° Matilda II [5]> 6° PzIIIJ [3] (0-1)= 0-1
20° Matilda II [8]> 6° PzIIIJ [2] (0-2)= 1-2 Unit Destroyed
63° Mosquito [10]> 49° Sem M-42 [8] (0-2)= 1-3
52° Light Cruiser [8]> 30° 15 sFH 18 [5] (0-2)= 0-2
43° Spit II [5]> 57° Wehr [10] (0-2)= 0-2
49° Battleship [10]> 57° Wehr [8] (0-4)= 0-4
51° Battle Cruiser [10]> 30° 15 sFH 18 [3](0-3)= 0-3 Unit Destroyed
23° Matilda II [10]> 8° PSW [4] (0-4)= 0-4 Unit Destroyed
25° Grant [10]> 57° Wehr [4] (0-4)= 0-4 Unit Destroyed
44° Mosquito [10]> 17° Marder III [10] (0-4)= 0-4
55° Mosquito [9]> 14° Marder III [9] (0-3)= 0-3
46° Blenheim [10]> StuG IIIF [12] (0-2)= 0-4
45° Mosquito [10]> 5° Pz IVD [5] (0-3)= 0-0
42° Spit II [7]> 55° Wehr [7] (0-1)= 0-2
Berta: 8° HW takes airfield
Benghazi: 9° HW takes airfield
59° Crdr takes Mersa Brega.
Casualties now are Axis 44, Allies 19.

TURN 08 - AXIS - German forces attack again around Bir Hacheim, heading for Bardia, while in Tobruk, as before, no attempt is made. An english infantry unit is destroyed in the process, again raising some doubt.

TURN 08 - ALLIES - There are ten enemy units in front of Tobruk and four at Bir Hacheim, so let's wipe out the latter to surround the rest of the army.
Bir Hacheim
39° Stirling [10]> 4° PzIIIJ [6] (0-0)= 0-0 suppression 5
31° 6 Pdr ATG [10]> 4° PzIIIJ [6] (0-5)= 1-4
60° Matilda [10]> 4° PzIIIJ [2] (0-2)= 0-2 Unit Destroyed
38° Mosquito [9]> 15° 7.5 Pak 40 [8] (0-2)= 0-5
19° 6" Gun [10]> 55° Wehr [5] (0-4)= 0-5 Unit Destroyed
21° Mosquito [10]> 56° Wehr [6] (0-2)= 0-3
34° Grant [10]> 56° Wehr [3] (0-3)= 0-3 Unit Destroyed
24° Grant [7]> 15° 7.5 Pak 40 [3] (1-3)= 4-2
37° Spit IX [10]> 15° 7.5 Pak 40 [1] (0-1)= 0-0
20° Matilda [7]> 15° 7.5 Pak 40 [1] (0-0)= 0-1 Unit Destroyed
All enemy units are eliminated. 61° Matilda re-takes Bir Hacheim.
55° Mosquito [9]> 14° Marder IIIH [6] (0-3)= 0-3
45° Mosquito [10]> 49° Sem M-42 [5] (0-2)= 0-1
40° Blenheim [9]> 14° Marder IIIH [3] (0-3)= 0-3 Unit Destroyed
52° LtCruiser [8]> 22° Wehr [10] (0-1)= 0-1
51° BtCruiser [10]> 22° Wehr [9] (0-3)= 0-3
49° Battleship [10]> 22° Wehr [6] (0-3)= 0-4
41° Spit II [10]> 22° Wehr [3] (0-1)= 0-3 Unit Destroyed
25° Grant [10]> 16° PSW [10] (0-6)= 0-5
14° Matilda [8]> 16° PSW [5] (0-3)= 1-1
62° Matilda [9]> 16° PSW [4] (0-4)= 1-2 Gazala is taken
46° Blenheim [8]> 16° PSW [2] (0-2)= 0-2 Unit Destroyed
44° Mosquito [10]> 17° Marder [6] (0-4)= 0-3
63° Mosquito [9]> 17° Marder [3] (0-3)= 0-3 Unit Destroyed
A 6" Gun unit is purchased in Tobruk and a Lancaster level bomber is purchased in Bardia airfield. Casualties now are Axis 52, Allies 20.

 TURN 9 - AXIS - Just an ill-fated attack by 31° Stu GIIIF which loses points without inflicting damage. Nothing else happens.

TURN 9 - ALLIES - Destroy the six enemy units in front of Tobruk and capture all other objectives to close the scenario.
40° Blenheim [9]> 31° Stu GIIIF [2] (0-2)= 0-1
38° Mosquito [9]> 49° Sem M-42 [4] (0-1)= 0-4 Unit Destroyed
17° Lancaster [10]> 46° M 14/41 [10] (0-0)= 0-1 suppression 5
3° 6" Gun [10]> 46° M 14/41 [9] (0-3)= 0-3
14° Matilda [7]> 46° M 14/41 [6] (0-2)= 0-3
16° Matilda [9]> 46° M 14/41 [3] (0-3)= 0-3 Unit Destroyed
44° Mosquito [10]> 5° PzIVD [6] (0-3)= 0-3
45° Mosquito [10]> 60° PSW [10] (0-4)= 0-2
25° Grant [10]> 60° PSW [8] (0-6)= 0-5
62° Matilda [8]> 5° PzIVD [2] (0-2)= 0-1
55° Mosquito [9]> 21° Wehr [10] (0-3)= 0-1
52° LtCruiser [8]> 21° Wehr [9] (0-2)= 0-2
49° Battleship [9]> 21° Wehr [7] (0-2)= 0-5
51° BtCruiser [10]> 60° PSW [3] (0-3)= 0-3 Unit Destroyed
1° HW [11]> 21° Wehr [2] (0-2)= 0-2 Unit Destroyed
23° Matilda [10]> 31° Stu GIIIF [1] (0-1)= 1-1 Unit Destroyed
27° Stuart [10]> 5° PzIVD [1] (0-1)= 0-0
46° Blenheim [10]> 5° PzIVD [1] (0-1)= 0-1 Unit Destroyed
21° Mosquito [10]> 42° U-boot [10] (0-6)= 0-0 sub dives
63° Mosquito [9]> 33° U-boot [10] (0-4)= 0-0 sub dives
39° Stirling [10]> 25° Wehr [12] (0-0)= 0-1
9° HW [10]> 7° 3.7 Pak [11] (0-3)= 1-3
37° Spit IX [10]> 44° Bersaglieri [10] (0-0)= 0-1
The rest of the German army has been destroyed, now only the garrisons stand between Allies and final victory.

TURN 10 - AXIS - At Benghazi, the british Heavy Weapon infantry is attacked and loses 6 strength points. Nothing else happens.

TURN 10 - ALLIES - Take the remaining objectives.
62° Matilda takes airfield near Berta.
49° Battleship [9]> 44° Bersaglieri [9] (0-3)= 0-2
52° LtCruiser [8]> 44° Bersaglieri [7] (0-1)= 0-3
51° BtCruiser [10]> 44° Bersaglieri [4] (0-3)= 0-2
37° Spit IX [10]> 44° Bersaglieri [2] (0-1)= 0-0
17° Lancaster [10]> 44° Bersaglieri [2] (0-0)= 0-0
8° HW [10]> 44° Bersaglieri [2] (0-2)= 0-2 Unit Destroyed
Berta is taken.
41° Spit [10]> 1° 3.7 Pak [10] (0-0)= 0-0
39° Stirling [10]> 25° Wehr [10] (0-0)= 0-2
21° Mosquito [10]> 42° U-boot [10] (0-6)= 0-5
63° Mosquito [9]> 33° U-boot [10] (0-4)= 0-0 sub dives
44° Mosquito [10]> 25° Wehr [8] (0-2)= 0-1
40° Blenheim [9]> 33° U-boot [10] (0-5)= sub dives
55° Mosquito [9]> 3° 1° 3.7 Pak [11] (0-3)= 0-1
46° Blenheim [10]> 1° 3.7 Pak [11] (0-3)= 0-4
16° Matilda [10]> 1° 3.7 Pak [7] (0-1)= 0-2
38° Mosquito [10]> 42° U-boot [5] (0-5)= sub dives
42° Spit II [7]> 7° 3.7 Pak [10] (0-1)= 0-2
59° Grant [10]> 48° AB 41 [12] (0-2)= 1-5
11° Para [10]> 48° AB 41 [7] (0-1)= 1-0

TURN 11 - AXIS - It's just a matter of time. Enemy has no reaction.

TURN 11 - ALLIES - German forces are doomed, let's try and take all objectives by next turn.
52° LtCruiser [8]> 3° 3.7 PaK [10] (0-2)= 0-3
51° BtCruiser [10]> 3° 3.7 PaK [7] (0-3)= 0-5
49° Battleship [10]> 3° 3.7 PaK [2] (0-2)= 0-2 Unit Destroyed
44° Mosquito [10]> 25° Wehr [7] (0-2)= 0-3
39° Stirling [10]> 25° Wehr [4] (0-0)= 0-0 suppression 2
34° Grant [10] > 25° Wehr [4] (0-4)= 0-4 Unit Destroyed
21° Mosquito [10]> 1° 3.7 PaK [3] (0-3)= 0-3 Unit Destroyed
Mechili is taken
38° Mosquito [9]> 42° U-boot [5] (0-5)= 0-0 sub dives
40° Blenheim [9]> 33° U-boot [10] (0-5)= sub dives
42° Spit II [7]> 7° 3.7 Pak [9] (0-1)= 0-2
55° Mosquito [9]> 3° 1° 3.7 Pak [7] (0-4)= 0-0
63° Mosquito [9]> 32° Marder [11] (0-3)= 1-3
45° Mosquito [10]> 48° AB 41 [7] (0-3)= 1-2
29° 6" Gun [10]> 48° AB 41 [5] (0-3)= 0-3
59° Grant [9]> 48° AB 41 [2] (0-2)= 0-2 Unit destroyed
Italian camp is taken.

TURN 12 - AXIS - Waiting for the final blow.

TURN 12 - ALLIES - This is the end, my only friend, the end.
37° Spit IX [10]> 32° Marder II [8] (0-0)= 0-0
44° Mosquito [10]> 32° Marder II [8] (0-3)= 0-0
6° HW [10]> 32° Marder II [8] (0-1)= 0-2
27° Stuart [10]> 32° Marder II [6] (0-5)= 0-4
55° Mosquito [9]> 32° Marder II [2] (0-2)= 0-1
63° Mosquito [8]> 32° Marder II [1] (0-1)= 0-1 Unit Destroyed
38° Mosquito [9]> 42° U-boot [5] (0-5)= 0-0 sub dives
21° Mosquito [9]> 42° U-boot [5] (0-5)= 0-0 sub dives
40° Blenheim [10]> 33° U-boot [10] (0-5)= sub dives
17° Lancaster [10]> 7° 3.7 PaK [7] (0-0)= 0-0 suppression 6
52° LtCruiser [8]> 7° 3.7 PaK [7] (0-2)= 0-0
51° BtCruiser [10]> 7° 3.7 PaK [7] (0-3)= 0-1
9° HW [6]> 7° 3.7 PaK [6] (0-2)= 0-0
9° HW enters Benghazi. That's it.


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