giovedì 29 marzo 2018

07 - North Africa - Axis - Turn 14 of 23

March 31, 1941. Axis attempts to seize Egypt and the Suez. Can the desert Fox be stopped?
AXIS: player
ALLIES: a.i. advanced


Six objectives to take, five are not so far, while Mersa Matruh is a long way to go, so we'll launch paratroopers near El Alamein, take the town, then purchase units as soon as possible to take the town from the rear. To take the other objectives, split the army in two: units on wheels join the left wing which will proceed along the coast and will take Benghazi, Berta and Tobruk, while units on halftrack will cut across the desert to occupy Bir Hacheim and Bardia. All units will meet at Mersa Matruh. Prestige is not a problem, so use it to have elite units, in particular upgrade a BF109 to a Focke Wulf and sloppy artillery to big guns. Be careful with english planes, they will attack in the first turns, defend soft targets. Be aware that:

Cyrene (14.15) has no defense

Airfield (21.16) has no defense
Airfield (23.20) has no defense


This is the situation at the beginning of the scenario:

In the north, out of map, there's the german fleet. Obviously english units standing in our way must be wiped out to advance ad maximum speed. The english infantry unit defending Mersa Brega is attacked first by air, then by artillery and the town is captured. The anti-tank unit with entrenchment 5 in the desert is attacked but with no result. The fleet heads south to attack Benghazi. The hurricane in sight is attacked and reduced to 3 strength points. A BF109 is brought on the airfield to be upgraded to a Focke Wulfe. A paratrooper unit is purchased to be flown away to capture El Alamein. This is the situation at the end of turn 1:
During Allies turn, the Hurricane disappears from sight and the anti-tank unit attacks italian M13/40 tank, causing the loss of 5 strength points.

The english anti-tank unit is destroyed, now the left wing takes position to attack the two english units near the airfield on the coast road. The right wing heads toward Bir Hacheim. The german fleet hits the air defense in Benghazi, reducing it to 4 strength points.
Nothing happens during english turn, the artillery in Benghazi just moves out of sight.

The infantry and air defense units defending the airfield are eliminated and the left wing proceeds to take Benghazi, where naval and air force fire get rid of the artillery and air defense units, now only the infantry unit remains to hold the objective. The right wing headed to Bir Hacheim intercepts a Hurricane and a Stir MkI over the desert. The fighter is shot down and the level bomber is blocked.
In english turn, another Hurricane and a Blenheim MkIV come to rescue (?) the level bomber which is on the verge of oblivion.

Left wing: Benghazi is taken, the enemy infantry destroyed, now on to Berta. Right wing: two Hurricanes and the Stir MkI are shot down, the Blenheim is trapped, the airfield near Gazala is occupied, units move to surround Bir Hacheim.
English player attacks mounted infantry with Blenheim, which inflicts 2 strength points loss but loses 4.

Left wing: the air defense near Berta is eliminated by naval fire, german artilleries take place to bombard objective next turn. Airfield in 21.16 is taken. Right wing: Bir Hacheim is almost surrounded, the artillery unit will be attacked first, then air defenses, then the city itself.
English: at Berta, infantry exits the city to attack an artillery unit, reducing it to 2 strength points.

Berta: the english infantry unit is destroyed and the town is taken. Tobruk: the light cruiser and the destroyer are sunk. Bir Hacheim: the air defense unit is destroyed and a german tank unit moves adjacent to the town to prevent enemy reinforcements.
Tobruk: english T-Boat hits german sub, 4 points loss. Gazala: english infantry attacks german SdKfz in arfield, 4/2. Bir Hacheim: english artillery hits 8.8 FK 18 ATG, 2 points loss.

Tobruk: english T-Boat, fort, artillery and infantry units are destroyed, Gazala is occupied.
Bir Hacheim: 2 anti-tank, 1 artillery units are destroyed, final countdown next turn.
Allies counterattack but cause minor trouble.

Tobruk: 2 Matildas are destroyed, now only 2 forts remain.
Bir Hacheim: infantry and air defense are destroyed, objective number 3 is gained.
The 8.8 FlaK 18 is disbanded to have more units to purchase once El Alamein is taken.
English sub attacks S-boat and infantry attacks destroyer causing some damage.

Tobruk: the two forts are destroyed and objective no. 4 is taken.
Bardia: enemy artillery unit is destroyed. Air defense is reduced to 1.
El Alamein is occupied by paratroopers.

Bardia: air defense, anti-tank, sub, infantry units are destroyed. Next turn the final attack.
An english destroyer and a light cruiser appear on the stage, a german sub is damaged.

German capital ships sink the destroyer, while subs inflict damage on the light cruiser.
Bardia: 1 fort and 2 Matildas are destroyed, objective no. 5 is captured, now only Mersa Matruh remains. In El Alamein two artillery and two PzIVD units are purchased, while paratroopers capture airfield in 57.28 to serve as supply. Italian infantry reaches Cairo airfield and will try to land next turn.
Another destroyer appears and attacks a sub, but with no success.

Two Matildas and an anti-tank units are destroyed, germans enter Sollum and rush to Sidi Barrani. In the meanwhile, units from El Alamein attack Mersa Matruh defenses from the rear. Italian infantry lands in Cairo airfield.
Allies counterattack and hita a german artillery and a PzIVD.

The light cruiser is sunk. Sidi Barrani: infantry destroyed. Paratroopers take Alexandria.

Sidi Barrani: air defense destroyed.
Mersa Matruh: air defense, artillery, air defense, infantry all destroyed, a PzIVD attacks the last objective, enters the town, and so we have victory at 14th turn on 23 turns.


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