mercoledì 8 marzo 2017

04 - Low Countries - Allies - Turn 15 of 30

May 10, 1940: flanking the heavy fortifications of the Maginot Line, the Germans invade France through Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

Axis: advanced a.i.
Allied: player

PLAN: As always, when attacked by superior forces, my advice is to retreat and decide where to make a stand, using the most favorable terrain, especially rivers. In this scenario, Liege and Namur must be left to nazis rage, while Sedan can be defended but a high price must be paid, so this time we'll leave the city to the enemy, and we'll use river Meuse as our wall. The Brussels-Maubeuge line is where we'll make a stand. The units around Liege are doomed. We could disband them to have less casualties, but I prefer to let them where they are to slow down the enemy, taking advantage of their high entrenchment. The units in the rear must be taken to the front or disbanded if too slow, to purchase new units. So let's go.

AXIS - The enemy attacks, of course. The only casualty is the infantry in Maastricht. Here is axis first move:
Liege - Turn 1 - Axis
ALLIES - I counterattack and cause 12 strength points loss, while losing 2. I disband the ship and some other infantry unit in the rear and purchase four Ch B1-bis, the strongest french tank. All the other units go to the front.
All objectives - Turn 1 - Allies

Liege could hold for two more turns, it's surrounded but the units are still there. Two infantry units are lost to the teutonic fury, the one near the fort in the north and the other in the forest.
Liege - Turn 2 - Axis
Sedan is going to be attacked. I'm thinking about leaving the city to the enemy and try to prevent him from crossing Meuse river.
Sedan - Turn 2 - Axis
German planes have attacked Maubeuge, with the BF 109 having a 4-4 with english Hurricane.
With air defense in position, I have the chance to get rid of some enemy plane.
Maubeuge - Turn 2 - Axis
Liege: nothing happens. Units are just waiting to be slaughtered.
Brussels: Units are coming to make a stand and defend the city.
Brussels - Turn 2 - Allies
Maubeuge: I've lost the chance to get rid of one of enemy's fighters, I caused only three strength points loss.
Maubeuge - Turn 2 - Allies
Sedan: I changed my mind, I purchased two tanks and will try to wipe out the enemy with the tanks.
Sedan - Turn 2 - Allies
The germans occupy Liege ad take no prisoners. Namur has already been taken. No enemy in sight around Brussels.
Over Maubeuge, the german fighter BF 109 has attacked, has caused 2 points loss but has been destroyed. Now the level bombers are an easy prey.
Maubeuge - Turn 3 - Axis
At Sedan, the attack is under way, the french fort is destroyed, but now our units can tahe full revenge.
Sedan - Turn 3 - Axis

Brussels now is well guarded. Enemy is coming.
Brussels - Turn 3 - Allies
Over Maubeuge I have trapped the two level bombers and taken one of them down to 4 points.
Maubeuge - Turn 3 - Allies
At Sedan I have destroyed one recon and one artillery. Air defense has taken down BF 110c to 6 points.
Sedan - Turn 3 - Allies

Around Brussels the first enemy units are approaching. The enemy artillery unit, to the north east of the city, is in a very dangerous position.
Brussels - Turn 4 - Axis

Over Maubeuge, enemy is attacking with every available plane. Mistake: I should have purchased one more air defense unit.
Maubeuge - Turn 4 - Axis

At Sedan, something very strange happened: a tank has heavily beaten an infantry unit entrenched in town and now the objective is free. These things always happen in favor of the pc. I'll try to counterattack anyway.
Sedan - Turn 4 - Axis

At Brussels the bold enemy artillery unit which was mounted on transport has been destroyed, while a french tank has beaten an infantry unit headed for the airfield to the north of town.
Brussels - Turn 4 - Allies

At Maubeuge the defense continues, an enemy level bomber has been taken down to 1 point strength, while another enemy infantry unit has been wiped out. 
Maubeuge - Turn 4 - Allies

In Sedan, the Pz IV D has been killed, and the town has been retaken.
Sedan - Turn 4 - Allies

Around Brussels germans have attacked. An infantry unit has been destroyed and the antitank has been reduced from 10 to 7. There's a german infantry mounted unit which is an easy prey next turn. The tanks are harder to kill.
Brussels - Turn 5 - Axis
Against Maubeuge many planes but only two tanks. A french tank Ch B1-bis has been reduced to 3 but can be saved. The BF 109 can now be targeted by the air defenses, while Junker 88a, the Stuka and the BF 110c are on a silver plate.
Maubeuge - Turn 5 - Axis
In Sedan, the PZ IIIE has attacked the french tank in the city, with 2-2 result. Over the town there's a Do 17z which can be targeted now by air defense. Unfortunately the artillery unit is useless with its 2 hexes range.
Sedan - Turn 5 - Axis

In Brussels, the 3rd Wehr infantry is hit first by artillery (0-5) and then eliminated by 13th 37mm antitank. The 7th PzIID is hit first by 1st Ch B1-bis (0-5), then by 12th Ch s35 (0-4) and then eliminated by 15th french infantry (0-1). The german antitank is destroyed by 14th french 47mm ATG (3-6). The 37th Wehr infantry is destroyed by two french Ch B1-bis (0-7) and (0-3). I would say this has been a very good day in Brussels: 4 german units destroyed with minimum losses.
Brussels - Turn 5 - Allies

In Maubeuge, 33rd 40mm air defense hits 33rd BF 109e (0-5). Then comes 9th 40mm air defense which finishes it (0-4), and that's wonderful news. 38th LC F-DXXX1 fighter attacks 4th Junker 87B (1-6). 24th MS 406 french fighter destroys Ju 88 and blocks 4th Junker 87B. 30th Matilda II attacks 1st PzIIIG (0-2). Then comes 8th Polez 63 (0-2). Then 29th 2Pdr ATG finishes the job (0-1). Three planes down and a dangerous tank destroyed, now only a land unit remains on the battlefield.
Maubeuge - Turn 5 - Allies

In Sedan, 49th 40mm air defense hits 39th Do17z (0-4). 43th Ch B1-bis attacks 12th Wehr infantry (0-4). Then comes 45th Ch B1-bis which finishes it (0-6).
Sedan - Turn 5 - Allies

Brussels: the enemy is really bold, the attack is ferocious, and scaring. Matildas are the best match for Pz III, but I have to conquer a town with an english unit and wait some turn to purchase this tank. In his turn, the german has destroyed an anti tank, and has placed a Pz III adjacent to the town, which means I can't purchase units. And this is so bad.
Brussels - Turn 6 - Axis

Maubeuge: 8th Pz IIIG which was in Charleroi has left the town and attacked 29th 2Pdr ATG (6-6). This is the perfect chance to destroy a dangerous tank, conquer a town with an english unit and outflank the enemy attacking Brussels.
Maubeuge - Turn 6 - Axis

This time the german player has been too bold. He has attacked the infantry unit on Meuse river exposing the level bomber to air defense fire (0-7) and the french tank in Sedan on the river, losing 5 strength points and sealing its fate. This coud be the turning point.
Sedan - Turn 6 - Axis

Brussels: two Ch B1-bis attack 21st Pz 35(t) and take it down from 8 to 2 strength points. Artillery attack 27th Wehr infantry (0-6). 30th Matilda II attacks 8th Pz IIIG and destroys it (0-4). Hurray! British infantry takes Charleroi. Matildas are coming.... 38th F-DXX1 finishes 4th Junker 87B (0-1). 1st Ch B1-bis attacks 38th PzIIF (1-3). 12th Ch S35 follows (0-3). 16th french infantry destroys it (0-1). 16th AF 37mm ATG attacks 8.8 Flak (0-2).
Brussels - Turn 6 - Allies

Sedan: 22nd 75mm gun attacks 34th Pz IIIG (0-1). 34th Ch B1-bis follows and destroys the unit (0-4). 47th 40mm air defense attacks BF 110c (0-2). 23rd Mk II Fort attacks 23rd Pz IIIE (0-3). 49th Ch B1-bis attacks 35th Wehr infantry (0-3). 45th Ch B1-bis follows (0-6). 10th french infantry finished the job (0-1). Here at Sedan the tide is turning.
Sedan - Turn 6 - Allies
Maubeuge is out of the fight, Sedan is secure, only Brussels is undergoing a strong pression by the enemy.
Turn 6 - Casualties - Axis 20 - Allies 14
Brussels: German player is still attacking, but with no sense. Tanks have eliminated another anti tank unit, but at a cost. Three other teutonic units could disappear this turn.
Brussels - Turn 7 - Axis
Sedan: it's just a matter of one or two turns and we'll be on our way to Luxembourg.
Sedan - Turn 7 - Axis
Brussels: 49th 105mm hits 29th infantry (0-5). 17th Ch B1-bis follows (0-3). 37th infantry follows and destroys unit (0-2).
26th Ch B1-bis destroys 21st Pz 35(t)
27th 6" gun attacks 42nd PzIIIG (0-1). 12th Ch S35 follows (1-3). 1st Ch B1-bis follows and destroys unit (0-4).
18th 105mm hits 27th Wehr infantry (0-3). 32nd follows and destroys unit (0-1).
11th Ch B1-bis attacks 18th PzIIA (1-1). 29th 2 Pdr follows (0-5).
30th Matilda II attacks 41st PzIIIG (0-3).
38th LC F-DXX1 attacks He 111 H2 (1-4).
Four units destroyed and three severely damaged at Brussels. Not a good day for Adolf.
Brussels - Turn 7 - Allies

Sedan: 22nd 75mm gun hits infantry on Meuse river (0-2). Unit destroyed.
23rd Pz IIIE is attacked first by 45th Ch B1-bis (0-5), then by 49th Ch B1-bis (0-1). Unit destroyed.
Now only a useless air defense unit remains. I purchased a powerful 155mm gun to wipe out the enemy unit and to take the future objectives.
Sedan - Turn 7 - Allies
Turn 7 - Casualties - Axis 26 (+6) Allies 15 (+1)

There's not so much glory in fighting with someone who attacks all the time. I guess maybe "basic" AI could be more intelligent than "advanced". Anyway, the german player keeps on attacking ferociously. In this turn, the only casualty is the german BF 110c which has attacked 38th F-DXX1 fighter and has been destroyed. Charleroi has been lost and so english units are not available at the moment.
Brussels - Turn 8 - Axis
Sedan: situation is exactly the same as seventh turn.

Brussels: 38th F-DXX1 attacks BF 110c (0-1). 24th MS 406 attacks BF 110c (2-3).
30th 8.8 FlaK 18 is attacked by 8th Potez 63 (0-3) then by 4th Infantry (1-1) then by 29th 2 Pdr ATG (0-4). Unit destroyed.
30th Matilda II attacks 6th Pz IIIG (0-1). It had to be 0-2.
1st Ch B1-bis attacks 41st Pz IIIG (0-2). 12th Ch S35 finish it off (0-2).
18th 105mm attacks 20th Infantry (0-6). 16th Infantry destroys it (0-4).
41th 105mm attacks 28th infantry (0-4). Then 26th Ch B1-bis (0-4). 37th infantry destroys it (1-2).
27th 6" gun destroys 18th PzIIA (0-2).
17th Ch B1-bis attacks 31st PzIB (0-2).
Five enemy units destroyed. Five remaining.
Brussels - Turn 8 - Allies
Sedan: 40th FlaK 8.8 18 is attacked by 13th 155 gun (0-5), then is destroyed by 45th Ch B1-bis (3-5). Next stop: Luxembourg.
Sedan - Turn 8 - Allies
Turn 8 - Casualties - Axis 33 (+7) Allies 15 (-)
Brussels: Don Quixote. German player attacks. But this could be the last time.
Brussels - Turn 9 - Axis
Brussels: 16th Wehr infantry is hit by 41st 105mm (0-3), by 16th french infantry (1-2) and finished by 37th LC infantry (0-1).
31st PzIB is hit by Potez 63 (0-2), then finished by 12 Ch S35 (0-5).
6th PzIIIG is hit by 27th 6" gun (0-3), by 30th Matilda II (1-4), and finished by 1st Ch B1-bis.
26th Wehr infantry is attacked by 11th Ch B1-bis (0-6) and finished by 26th Ch B1-bis.
17th Wehr infantry is hit by 18th 105mm gun (0-3), and finished by 15th infantry (3-4).
24th Ms 406 fighter attacks 36 He 111 (0-2). Unit destroyed.
38th LC F-DXX1 attacks 39th DO17z (1-2).
Battle for Brussels is over, now on to Namur.
Brussels - Turn 9 - Allies
In the south, the units approach Luxembourg to start siege. One artillery unit in Sedan is upgraded, we should need a strong infantry.
Sedan/Luxembourg - Turn 9 - Allies
Turn 9 - Casualties - Axis 39 (+6) - Allies 15 (-)

No action. As soon as the enemy stops attacking and has to defend, it starts raining! Same thing happened in Norway. Bastard A.I.!!!

Namur: 18th 105 gun fires on infantry in Namur (0-2). No other fighting. A french tank occupies the aifield near Liege.
Namur - Turn 10 - Allies
Luxembourg: 13th 155 gun fires on infantry in town (0-3). No other fighting.
Luxembourg - Turn 10 - Allies

No action.

Namur: the infantry unit defending Namur is bombarded by artillery and reduced to 5 points strength. Other units get in touch with Liege.
Namur - Turn 11 - Allies

Luxembourg: The town is occupied after artillery barrage and attack by tanks. Another tank unit gets in touch with Bittem.
Luxembourg - Turn 11 - Allies

No action

Namur is bombarded and taken. Do 17z is hit by Ms 406 and 38th F-DXX1 (0-5). Maastricht is taken. Artillery take position and the final assault on Liege is ready.
Liege - Turn 12 - Allies
Liege: Next turn Liege should fall. And then it's Aachen turn.
Liege - Turn 13 - Allies
Bittem: I have attacked the infantry unit which has been pushed out of the town, next turn it will all be finished.
Bittem - Rurn 13 - Allies
Liege is taken, and Aachen is attacked, the enemy antitank unit in town is reduced to 5 points strength.
Aachen - Turn 14 - Allies
Bittem is conquered.
Bittem - turn 14 - Allies
Aachen is conquered, game over.
Casualties: Axis 46 - Allies 15

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