giovedì 21 marzo 2019


Shrewsbury (16,12) - Enemy units are attacked and destroyed, now the town is clear and next turn new units should be available.

Bristol (16,26) - English 24° Para 43 crosses river Avon and gets adjacent to the objective, without attacking. A Stuka attacks and takes away 7 strength points, then comes 29° and 48° infantry and the unit is destroyed.

Oxford (24,22) - Nine attacks, four enemy units destroyed and the road to Birmingham is open, now only an enemy infantry unit remains holding the town.

London - Fifteen attacks and five enemy units eliminated, now we're very near the end, two-thirds of London objectives are in our hands, the last hex will probably be next turn.

Norwich (40,15) - Good news, it's possible to purchase units in Great Vermouth, so four Panthers are ready to attack next turn. A Heavy Cruiser arrives, attacks and hits an enemy artillery unit, reducing it from 11 to 6 strength points.

Lucky turn! Enemy counterattacks but fails all over the line. Near Oxford, the American 83° M4A1 attacks the 4° Tiger, gets a rugged defense and is destroyed. At Horsham, a Matilda II attacks a PSW and gets a 7-0. In London, two english infantry units attack the 6° Pioniere but get an "attack broken up" and lose respectively 6 and 7 strength points with no damage on our side. On the Thames river, 8° Pioniere is heavily damaged by a Sherman.


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