domenica 10 marzo 2019


Shrewsbury (16,12) - The two paratroop units attack the artillery unit, which is destroyed, getting adjacent to the town so the enemy cannot purchase reinforcements. Other planes are coming to support.
  Bristol (16,26) - All enemy units are destroyed and the town is taken. An air defense will be left as garrison. The German units continue northbound but Oxford seems to be well guarded, so maybe it'll be better to pass through Worcester, but the problem is to cross Avon river and face two incoming enemy units.
  London - German units are now in touch with the first objective, but defense is very strong, air defenses are the main targets but they're hard to get rid of, until then, air force cannot intervene. Four enemy units are destroyed, but there's still a long way to go.

Great Vermouth (44,14) -The town is taken and the defending infantry destroyed, but there's a Matilda at close range and two 7.2" Guns which will fire next turn, things are not going well, it will be hard to hold the town until it will be possible to purchase units.

At Shrewsbury, an American anti-aircraft, a M15A1 MGMC arrives and damages the JU87. At Bristol, the two enemy units arrive on the other side of Avon river. In London, the German infantry unit which conquered an objective is destroyed. In Great Vermouth, the paratroop unit that conquered the town is badly beaten by the two artilleries which are a big problem.

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