venerdì 16 dicembre 2016

02 - Warsaw - Allies - Turn 5 of 20

September 10, 1939 - The Germans must capture Warsaw and end Polish resistance before the Allies react.

Axis: A.I. advanced
Allied: player
Turns: 20

To win the fastest possible way. Without cheating, of course. In this scenario, it's quite easy. Too easy. Retreat a cavalry unit behind the Pilica river, wait as the german army moves forward to seize Warsaw, keep the town, then use the cavalry and occupy Lodz. That's it. Totally unrealistic from an historical point of view, but a victory according to the rules.

 German player attacks. A polish infantry unit is destroyed, it will be the only one for the rest of the game. During my turn, I disband infantry units which otherwise will be butchered and purchase two 7TP tanks in Warsaw, which will be the main battlefield. 11th Cavalry unit is retreated beyond Pilica river, away from spotting range of german recon. An enemy unit is going to take Tomaszow. Let's wait.


Battle for Warsaw begins. German player attacks, but polish soldiers don't falter. Enemy loses one infantry unit and the recon is severely beaten, reduced to two points. Now casualties are even. In the south I replace 11th Cavalry strength to 10. Tomaszov in the meanwhile is taken by german player.

German attacks Warsaw again, a polish tank is damaged, I retreat it behind the lines. I counterattack and destroy the enemy artillery and a tank unit. Now casualties are Axis 3 Allied 1. It's time for 11th Cavalry to move. The polish unit approches Tomaszow without entering spotting range not to be detected. The town is empty, as expected. Good.

The attack on Warsaw goes on, but with no success on the german side. I attack and kill an infantry unit and a tank, now casualties are Axis 5 Allied 1. In the south, 11th Cavalry advances keeping out of enemy spotting range and gets in position for the final attack.

Another attack, another counterattack. Polish units get very little damage, Axis player loses another two tanks, setting the casualties balance at Axis 7 Allied 1. In the south, 11th Cavarly rushes, takes Lodz and ends the scenario. For inexplicable reasons, the defending infantry unit was just outside town. Anyway axis player would never have won, without this trick once having destroyed enemy units one by one, Lodz would have been taken in the final turns. But turn 5 is better. Way better.
Casualties at the end of the game

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