domenica 19 luglio 2020

Scenario 01 - Poland - Axis - Advanced A.I. - Turn 5 of 10

The first scenario can be finished, with A.I. Intermediate Level and a little luck, in four turns, while at A.I. Advanced Level it takes five turns to win. So, let's fight!

The strategy is the same used in the previous attempt, avoid destroying enemy units so Polish cannot purchase reinforcements, as only eleven units are allowed. Do not attack other cities, Kalisz in particular, but just concentrate on the objectives. Split army in two and take Kutno and Lodz in the same turn. The difference in Advanced Level is the Polish units don't just stand waiting to be attacked, but they move and attack, and often a cavalry unit tries its luck with Breslau. Let's go!

Initial position of units on September 1, 1939

Kutno Army Group
Best thing should be to pass through the corridor between Warta River and Kalisz, and head directly towards Kutno, but the passage will probably be blocked, anyway it's worth a try. German units approach Kalisz but keep out of fire range from Polish artillery defending the city. The tank unit chosen to spearhead the attack is 9th Panzer IID, the fastest tank unit available to the German player, topping at 6 movement allowance.
Kutno Army Group: position in the evening of September 1st 1939 in front of Kalisz.

Lodz Army Group
The goal here is to cross the Warta River as soon as possible, unfortunately the bridge in the south east near the town of Rodomsko will not be useful, as an enemy Cavalry unit will pass through it. Advancing, a German tank attacks Polish 10th Cavalry unit to reduce its strength and prevent it to attack next turn. Three infantry units are on the banks of the river, waiting to ford it the following day, September 2.
Lodz Army Group: situation on the evening of September 1, 1939

In Breslau, the 8th 39 Wehr Infantry occupies the home base against possible raids by Polish Cavalry, and four units are purchased, a PSW 231/6r and a Panzer IID for Kutno Army Group, and two Panzers IB for Lodz Army Group, using all the available prestige.
Breslau in the evening on September 1, 1939

At the beginning of September 2, 1939, the enemy has moved two cavalry units, one is now quite blocking the road to Kutno, while the other one has crossed Warta river near Rodomsko and is now threatening the back of Lodz Army Group.

Kutno Army Group
German units try to flank the town of Kalisz. The most dangerous enemy unit is the artillery whose strength should be reduced to keep it busy replacing the losses. The attack from the Panzer IID is not so lucky, only 3 points lost and, most important thing, the enemy unit doesn't retreat. The advancing PSW recon unit reveals that the Polish garrison once in Posen has now crossed the Warta River, heading towards Kutno, so the mounted infantry occupies the empty town.

Lodz Army Group
To the south-east of Kalisz, the Lodz Army Group is fording the Warta River. The enemy Cavalry is attacked and reduced in strength, so that it can't be dangerous.

It's September 3, 1939 and on this day United Kingdom and France declare war on Germany, Second World War begins.
Kutno Army Group - Unexpectedly, the Polish infantry unit in the north blocking the bridge through Warta river moves towards Kalisz, so the passage is now free and the German units rush through the Posen bridge and are now in sight of the final objective, Kutno. in Kalisz, the remaining units try to open a passage but the enemy counterattacks reducing attackers strength.

Lodz Army Group - The first German infantry unit gets in touch with Lodz, so preventing the Polish from purchasing reinforcements there, the other units follow. Tanks and artillery are now fording Warta river.

Monday September 4 is showdown day. It's time to attack.
Kutno Army Group - Axis player has reached the goal of attacking Kutno defended by just one unit. The Polish tank defending the objective is attacked and softened, losing 4 strength points. Tomorrow four units will repeat the attack.

Kalisz - Nearly half of Polish units are concentrated in Kalisz, to hold a city which is, in fact, irrelevant. A German infantry unit has been attacked and has risked elimination, so it retreats outside of enemy spotting.

Lodz Army Group - Lodz is attacked and the Polish infantry unit defending the city is destroyed, but no German unit can occupy the objective, as the road is blocked by a Polish infantry arrived from the south.

Kutno Army Group - The objective is attacked and occupied, the defending tank unit retreats, reduced to 1 strength point.

Lodz Army Group - The objective is occupied and the position is secured. The game is over.

lunedì 1 aprile 2019


Birmingham - Showdown at Birmingham: once the air defense unit is destroyed, planes attack and then come land forces, all enemy units are eliminated except one, the objective is taken, the matter settled.

Oxford, Newbury, London - Business as usual, last attacks before the game ends, Oxford is taken, Newbury attacked and more hexes are conquered in London, where few enemy units now remain.

Norwich - Here's where the game ends. Defending the town there's a tough infantry unit with 12 strength points and an 8 entrenchment level. Two hits from the capital ships, a hit from artillery, then a carpet bombardment and an attack by paratroopers and the enemy is softened so the last attack by a Panther destroys it. Objective taken, game over.

venerdì 29 marzo 2019


Birmingham - Attack on Birmingham begins. The only air defense unit is destroyed, together with the weakest tank, while the other units are damaged by air forces. Three Tiger tanks are purchased in Shrewsbury. Objective should fall in two turns. Oxford is bombarded and defending infantry is reduced from 12 to 4 strength points.

London - Battle for London comes to an end, the third London hex is taken, three enemy units are destroyed and the first line is advanced, English forces cannot counterattack neither new units can be purchased.
Norwich - Battle for Norwich begins. The two enemy artillery units are destroyed, while other English tanks are damaged, but German units cannot manage to get adjacent to the objective, to prevent enemy to purchase new units. Three more Panthers and an artillery are purchased, we hope to take the objective next turn.
Allies reaction is almost non-existent as the remaining units have a limited offensive power. 

giovedì 21 marzo 2019


Shrewsbury (16,12) - Enemy units are attacked and destroyed, now the town is clear and next turn new units should be available.

Bristol (16,26) - English 24° Para 43 crosses river Avon and gets adjacent to the objective, without attacking. A Stuka attacks and takes away 7 strength points, then comes 29° and 48° infantry and the unit is destroyed.

Oxford (24,22) - Nine attacks, four enemy units destroyed and the road to Birmingham is open, now only an enemy infantry unit remains holding the town.

London - Fifteen attacks and five enemy units eliminated, now we're very near the end, two-thirds of London objectives are in our hands, the last hex will probably be next turn.

Norwich (40,15) - Good news, it's possible to purchase units in Great Vermouth, so four Panthers are ready to attack next turn. A Heavy Cruiser arrives, attacks and hits an enemy artillery unit, reducing it from 11 to 6 strength points.

Lucky turn! Enemy counterattacks but fails all over the line. Near Oxford, the American 83° M4A1 attacks the 4° Tiger, gets a rugged defense and is destroyed. At Horsham, a Matilda II attacks a PSW and gets a 7-0. In London, two english infantry units attack the 6° Pioniere but get an "attack broken up" and lose respectively 6 and 7 strength points with no damage on our side. On the Thames river, 8° Pioniere is heavily damaged by a Sherman.


lunedì 18 marzo 2019


Shrewsbury (16,12) -The town is taken and the defending anti-tank destroyed, but the other two enemy units are reduced to shambles but still alive, they must be destroyed to purchase new units. In the meanwhile the German units which have conquered Bristol head towards Oxford.

London -Battle rages, six enemy units are destroyed but the enemy goes on purchasing new units. Victory is near, but at the same time also quite far.

Norwich (40,15) - The paratroop unit which has conquered Great Vermouth exits the town trying to evade the english guns, and is substituted by the Destroyer. If the town will hold, new units will be purchased.

At Shrewsbury, the american anti-aircraft replaces losses up to 10 points. At Oxford, enemy retreats and holds ground. At Bristol, paratroopers Get in touch with the town and now must be dealt with. In London, a new Matilda unit is purchased to slow German advance. at Great Vermouth, a Matilda spots the damaged paratroop unit which is destroyed by english artillery.